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Ice & Fire - a Unity game

This project was simply based on trying to create a board game in Unity using C#.

As usual I had grand ideas for the project right from the word go; in terms of style but also simplicity and function.

It is based on a tweak I made to an existing game called 'Stratego', but also incorporates certain aspects of Chess. Later I would like to improve this game with the addition of 'character', that is to say giving the units more of a personality amongst other things.

The camera is manual and can be angled, zoomed and rotated around the board.

Clicking a unit causes it to examin its surroundings and gain perks depending on its environment and the proximity of other units. Additionally, the scenery artefacts on the board which provide bonuses are completely randomized for each game.

There are three phases to each turn, firstly a player rolls their dice to gain attack and defence perks, then decides which piece to move and to where. Finally they can attack an enemy piece with any of their own pieces.

When a piece is 'killed', it explodes in a display of particles and is then deleted.

This is the first proper game I made in Unity, and only my second project.

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